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High school basketball: How many states use a shot clock?

Illinois becomes latest to adopt timed possessions, movement picking up steam following NFHS recommendation.

Shot clocks were used by 21 state associations for high school basketball during the 2023-24 season. In addition, two other states were conducting a trial run.

The Illinois High School Association Board of Directors approved using a 35-second shot clock Monday for all varsity boys and girls basketball games beginning with the 2026-27 school year.

“The IHSA has allowed the shot clock to be used in tournaments and shootouts the past two seasons, and the overwhelming feedback we have received from coaches is that it is time to embrace the shot clock in all varsity contests,” IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson said in a statement. “We believe the two-season lead time will provide our schools with ample opportunity to install the shot clocks and get comfortable with them from both a coaching and game administration perspective. ”

Connecticut, Idaho, Minnesota, Oregon and Wisconsin all instituted shot clocks last season and trial runs are underway in both Kansas and South Carolina.

Prior to a recommendation by the National Federation of State High School Associations for states to adopt a shot clock in 2021, only Washington (2009), Arkansas (2020) and Georgia (2020) had brought it into play in recent years.

Since the NFHS recommendation three years ago, 14 state associations have subsequently installed or made plans to install shot clocks in future seasons.

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